The best treatment for the ‘flu is not to get it. The flu vaccine is in stock and available, recommended for all people over 65 years of age, people with chronic illness especially respiratory conditions and all health care workers, teachers and childcare workers and those who have a lot of contact with the public.

A couple of helpful hints for this season:

  1. Be vaccinated
  2. Do not touch your face as this is the most common way to transfer the virus from hard surfaces such as doors and hand rails.
  3. Wash your hands regularly.
  4. Antibiotics do not treat the flu, however there are antiviral medications that work if started within the first 3 days.
  5. If you do catch the flu, stay at home – avoid shopping centres, theatres and nursing homes.
  6. Go to the beach for fresh air, saltwater and sunshine.
  7. Vitamin C and Zinc may help and cough lollies to soothe the throat.
  8. Treat fever with 20 minute tepid showers, Panadol and Nurofen.

We leave emergency appointments each day, so if you are feeling really unwell please phone for an appointment.



Shingles Vaccines

Free shingles vaccination under the National Immunisation Program (NIP) is available for eligible people at moderate to high risk of severe illness and complications from shingles.

Dr Bennett is Retiring

After 40 years of service this will be Dr Bennetts last year. His last day of practice will be Wednesday 18 December 2024. Our other doctors are available for bookings.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

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